Blog Archives

I Love Easter!

Although, admittedly in a secular, chicks-and-bunnies-springy-kind-of-way. Growing up, it was always pretty much at the top of my favorite holiday list. No wonder that seeing the little genius enjoy it so thrills me to no end. Since I’m too burnt out to actually write any kind of narrative, I’ll use last Halloween’s crutch and provide a retrospective photographic sampling (click on any image to enlarge).  Enjoy!

Easter 2006

WhatCHU lookin' at? Haven't you ever seen a kid with pink satin ears?

Ok, enough with the props, Mom

Why yes, I believe I will gnaw on this basket now, thank you

Easter 2007

Cute as a bug, but slightly confused by the whole basket situation.

You may force me to wear this sun hat, but you will never take my yellow pretties! (CACKLE)

Easter 2008

I have no idea why we barely got any pictures in 2008...

Easter 2009

Cutest. Easter. Dress. EVER. (she got the worst sunburn of her young life that day, sigh.)

Easter 2010

Her patented "I Just Got Out of Bed" look

She had WAY too much fun painting eggs...

Awesome bunny balloon courtesy of GMOM...this thing was kicking around our house for MONTHS after Easter!

Easter 2011

Another "I Just Got Out of Bed" moment

She found a ladybug and it was hands-down the biggest rockstar of the day!
